Metal Nail-On Keyway
- Folded over to eliminate sharp edges
- A 1:4 slope that meets both ACI & PCI recommendations
- Made of 30 gauge high quality hot dipped mill galvanized steel
- All knockouts are 6″ on center
- Two knockout size of 9/16” (MNK) or 7/8” (MNK-78)
- 5000’/skid
- BoMetals quality that you’ve come to recognize
Metal Nail-On Spec Sheet

Plastic Nail-On Keyway
- Plastic Nail-On Keyway is nailed to a form prior to pouring
- Installed in tilt-up work, industrial floors, curbs or wherever specified
- Simple to use, lightweight and reusable
- BoMetals quality that you’ve come to recognize
- 10-foot lengths, 400 feet per box
Plastic Nail-On Keyway Spec Sheet